Monday 19 September 2011

Week 2 - Digital Footprint

Week 2's lecture was very fun and interesting as we talked about the "digital footprint" and how everything online or on any digital device is permanently recorded FOREVER. Each person has a digital footprint and it gives us a sort of online "identity". The digital footprint is the accumulated web information on one person: for example when an individual is googled.

My digital footprint is very similar to my "non-digital footprint"; since I am a basketball player and I have played all over the world, basically my entire digital footprint has to do with my basketball career when I am googled. Although this is very fun and interesting, I believe that every person has a right to his or her privacy. I think it is a little dangerous to be sharing the entire world's identities online because many individuals have bad intentions but then again each person has the right to choose whether they would like to input their information online and take whatever potential risks go along with it.

I am happy almost all my information online has to do with my basketball career and not my political orientation/opinions, personal life, religion, or my family. If it did, my identity would be prisoner to "Big Brother" so to speak. Many sites are pushing for this and many governments from different country have this type of control in their regions where people have no rights and freedoms online or offline. I just hope it doesn't end up like that here.

Some screenshots of my digital footprint:

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