Wednesday 26 October 2011

Week 8 - After Effects

I am finding After Effects terribly confusing! I have never used a special effects program before, and I have always used video editing software just to put together films (my films never need special effects!!!).

I find the tutorials we have done a little confusing, regarding the ones with the flying ghost and putting together the images to make an animation. It sounds simple but its confusing when you actually begin using the program.

I'm very new to it, so all the layering and animation points confuse me even more. I am unsure of what I am going to do for my assignment but I have a few ideas.

One idea is to take a crapload of pictures of my dad walking, then me walking, and then a child walking, and animating these pictures going backwards in time; showing the history of a man's life. The men/child would be walking backwards in the same background and it would show the man as an older individual, then an adult, then a teen, then a child.

Another idea I had was to do something with maybe a basketball bouncing around the screen with an explosion at the end. That would be cool!

My last idea is to have some type of writing going across an old paper and then being scrunched up into a ball at the end. I was inspired by the MTV graphic assignments shown in the lecture where a paper was scrunched!

For now, I am lost. And I am unsure of what the hell I am going to do for this assignment.

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